Imagine: IMAge Guided precIsion therapy NEtwork in Lower Saxony

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Duration: 2024 - 2027

Aims of the project

The IMAGINE Lower Saxony project aims to develop and provide a digital support system for harmonized processes and workflows within the model region, accompanying the entire journey of cancer patients. The goal is to optimize cross-sector standardization, which is crucial for oncological patient care but often overlooked. The research network focuses on processes that are essential for smooth clinical workflows and patient experiences. Central to this are specialized structured tumor conferences and the exchange of increasingly large and heterogeneous data sets, such as from oncological imaging or pathology. Through standardized protocols and interpretation of findings, we ensure consistent treatment options for each patient with any provider within the regional network. In a geographically large state like Lower Saxony, achieving widespread and cross-sectoral standardization is a significant challenge. An initial analysis will help identify potential improvements in regional networking. Based on these findings, we aim to enhance the existing CCC-N structures: in cancer research via the electronic platform Onkostar® and the Clinical Cancer Registry of Lower Saxony, in cancer care through the CCC-N "Quality Offensive Niedersachsen®" initiative, and in education via the CCC-N OnkoAkademie®. Through intensive patient involvement, we create patient-friendly processes, ensuring that diagnostic and therapeutic procedures reach patients more quickly. This will create a lasting, self-sustaining, quality-assured, and potentially supra-regional added value, enhancing the networking of cutting-edge research and cancer care.

Overview of the Work Packages

WP1: Workflow Analysis

WP2: WP2 Digital Workflow

WP3 Cross-site tumor conferences

WP4 Harmonization and Standardization

WP4a Process Harmonization Imaging

WP4b Process Harmonization Radiooncology

WP4c Process Interventional Oncology

WP5 Education

WP6 Evaluation concept

Part 6A Process Evaluation

Part 6B Patient Participation and Perspective

For more information see also: BMBF:Imagine; Forschungscampus Stimulate

Contribution of the Department of Medical Bioinformatics

Our department will together with the MHH (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) coordinate the Workpackage 2:  Digital Workflow

Participating partners: IT-Choice, CCC core units and IT divisions 

  • Onkostar® based platform for data handling for improved cross-site TB workflow
  • Setup and configuration of portal server in cooperation with IT-Choice 
  • Process evaluation and implementation related to TB across partner sites 
  • Analysis and optimization of data exchange with KKN

Contact: Dr. Jürgen Dönitz

Project Partners

Coordinator of the project

Prof. Dr. Frank Wacker, Comprehensive Cancer Center Hannover (CCC-N)
Radiology Dept., Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg. Str. 1, 30625 Hannover

Location: University Medical Center Göttingen

Project Leader:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rieken 
(Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiooncology)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rami El Shafie
(Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiooncology)

Prof. Dr. med Philipp Ströbel
(Institute for Pathology)

Prof. Dr. med. Lotz
(Radiology/ Cardiac Imaging)

Dr. Jürgen Dönitz
(Department of Medical Bioinformatics)

Location: Medical School Hannover

Project Leader:
Prof Dr. Frank Wacker
Hannover Medical School,
Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology

Location Magdeburg

Project Leader:
Prof. Dr. Georg Rose
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
Institute of Medical Engineering (IMT)

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