Within the Master's programmes of the Faculty of Biology, we are involved in the Master's programmes: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics and Development, Neural and Behavioral Biology.
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (M.Sc.)
Within the specialised study programme (Fachstudium) , we offer the following courses in the elective module (Wahlpflichtmodul) "Bioinformatics"
Applied Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics of Systems Biology.
In addition, we offer in the professionalisation area (Professionalisierungsbereich) course Advanced Statistical Learning for Data Science in the elective module "Computer Science".
If you would like to do your Master's thesis in our department, we expect you to take the course "Advanced course in Computational Biology" (M.CoBi.503).
Furthermore, we recommend that students interested in doing their thesis in our department should take at least one of our courses on Systemybiology (M.Bio.310), Applied Bioinformatics (B.Bio.113), Bioinformatics in Systemsbiology (M.Bio.340) or Advanced Statistical Learaning for Data Science (M.Inf.2.102)
Exceptions are possible, please feel free to contact us.
Link: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/msc/phd+computational+biology+and+bioinformatics/653246.html
Contact study counselling Faculty of Biology and Psychology: Dr. Christina Keller: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/84567.html
Contact study counselling Department of Medical Bioinformatics: Yvonne Lamprecht: office@bioinf.med.uni-goettingen.de

Development, Neural and Bahavioral Biology
Within the interdisciplinary Master's programme Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, we offer the module Bioinformatics (Fachmodul) as well as the specialisation module and the competence module Bioinformatics in Systems Biology (Schlüsselkompetenzmodul).
For a successful Master's thesis within our department, the subject module Bioinformatics as well as the specialisation module must be completed.
Contact study counselling Faculty of Biology and Psychology: Michaela Deutinger: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/84567.html
Contact study counselling Department of Medical Bioinformatics: Yvonne Lamprecht: office@bioinf.med.uni-goettingen.de