Applied Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Within the Bachelor's degree program in Applied Computer Science, the major "Bioinformatics" can be selected. A total of 42 credits must be acquired within the program, with a minimum of 20 credits in the field of bioinformatics and 18 credits in the field of biology.
Together with the Department of Bioinformatics (Prof. B. Morgenstern) we offer courses in the specialization "Bioinformatics".
Contact study counselling Institute for Computer Science : studienberatung(at)
Contact study counselling Department of Medical Bioinformatics: Yvonne Lamprecht:
You can see a short overview of our courses in the following image, more detailed information of the modules in the Bioinformatics major as well as recommendations from us for the subject field "Biology" you find in the download document below the image.

Applied Computer Science
Master of Science
If you would like to focus on the field of bioinformatics in the Master's degree programme, we recommend the specialisations "Bioinformatics" or "Data Science".
Together with the Department of Bioinformatics (Prof. B. Morgenstern) , Computer Science (Prof. Damm) and the Bredding Informatics (Prof. Schmitt) we offer courses in the specialization "Bioinformatics" and "Data Science".
In addition, we also offer courses in the application fields Neuroscience, Application-oriented system development with Specialisation and Application-oriented system development.
If you would like to do your Master's thesis in our department, we expect you to take either the course Advanced Research Traing (B.Inf.1810) or Extended Advanced Research Training (B.Inf.1811).
Furthermore, we recommend that students interested in doing their thesis in our department should take our courses on Systemybiology (M.Bio.310), Applied Bioinformatics (B.Bio.113) or Biostatistics with R (SK.Bio.305).
Exceptions are possible, please feel free to contact us.
You can see a short overview of our courses in the following image, more detailed information can be found in the download document below.