Data Science B.Sc.
We currently do not offer a course in the Data Science Bachelor's programme. The course Applied Bioinfomatics (B.Bio 113) is planned for WS 2023/2024, but can already be taken optionally.
Even so, you can write your Bachelor's thesis within our department. In advance to the Bachelor thesis the Advanced Research Training - Data Science B.Inf.1839 must be completed.
Data Science M.Sc.
If you would like to focus on the field of bioinformatics in the Master's degree programme, we recommend the application domains "Bioinformatics" or "Medical Data Science". In both domains, we offer courses together with other departments.
Application Domain Bioinformatics
The application area Bioinformatics is divided into the area Biological Basics (6 Credits) and the elective area Bioinformatics (12 credits). Within this elective area, we offer a range of courses together with Prof. Burkhard Morgenstern, Prof. Carsten Damm and Prof. Constatin Pape.

Application Domain Medical Data Science
Together with the Genetic Epidemiology (Prof. Heike Bickeböller), the Medical Statistics (Prof. Tim Friede) and the Medical Informatics (Prof. Krefting; Prof. Sax, Jun.-Prof. Anne-Christin Hausschild) we offer courses in the specialization "Medical Data Science". In case, you would like to do your Master's theis in our department, we recommend that students should take our course on Applied Bioinformatics or Systemsbiology.